I bet, by now, a lot of us are literally fed up with the lockdown/quarantine so to say, and would pounce at the chance of next careless outing, even if that translates to grocery shopping. There’s a lot that has changed over the last couple of months, but the glaring reality ceases to let go of its hold on our living, breathing spaces anytime soon.
But most of all, I’m thankful to this lockdown for some part. At best, I am compelled to compare it to the Kubler-Ross model, with my own twist to it. Presenting a modified version of the same:
Stage 1: Denial – The initial few months March-April were clouded with doubt, confusion and not to miss anger and resistance wondering ‘why us’. Personally, just made it in time for my wedding in mid March – an ode to love in the times of corona, literally. Just a week before the scheduled travel, we had to move our holiday plan to Maldives to a later date. Our ‘honeymoon’ was reduced to weekends spent in the balcony devouring good food & drinks (can’t complain), and occasionally doing rounds of the next door stores, Le Marche/Modern/More – which I must say, also involved some planning around the ‘best time’ so as to avoid the longest queues.
Stage 2: Acceptance – The ‘new normal’ came to be widely accepted by this time, and we saw people, when stepping out, with a ‘mask’. The news channels inundated our lives, replete with stats on which country topped the highest number of active cases. There were also welcome images of wildlife thriving in different corners of the world – dolphins in Venice, to leopard in the local vicinity in Indian cities like Chandigarh. While some of us had the privilege of being glued to television box for updates, many had to suffer job losses and also head back to their local villages. Across the spectrum of varying scenarios, there was acceptance of the situation & adherence to routine, even if that meant usurping of the same for the migrant diaspora.
Stage 3: Flourish – This phase saw the privileged me trying to delve into previously unexplored realms, with many culinary treats and experiments being dished out. Cooking became the next unexplored genre that was also a good time to invest in, partly fueled by the creative urge and in part, thanks to ‘no maid’ life. This was also a time to reorient, re-imagine and re-invent myself by developing new hobbies. During this time, I found more time than usual for reading, and also signed up for an online volunteering activity, which I’m still pursuing. And not to forget, the curating of my wedding videos/photo album with umpteen number of iterations. Of course, Netflix and Zoom basked in their glory of ‘chill’ (pun intended).

Stage 4: Adapt – With the lock-downs being lifted, the present stage albeit with its challenges intact, has made us all adept with the ‘new normal’. By and large, we have adapted to the new ways and built our lives around it. Work from home, which was a slack concept esp in a country like ours, has accelerated its way to our bedrooms, so much so that I’m now scared of when, at the next call, I will be asked to come to office again. Family support, and being close to near & dear ones has been a huge cushion of comfort, more so for someone like me who has been living away for many years now. My partner & I have held tight to our mutual love for cafes and coffee on the weekends, of course taking the necessary precautions with masks and hand sanitizers for company at all times.

No one can tell when this pandemic will end for us, and many may be complaining of going back to ‘normal’. I have a simple ask – why do we want to go back to normal, and what the hell is this ‘normal’ afterall?! Lets adapt to the new normal, which hopefully will be better than the old normal we know of. Yes, life will certainly not be the same as it was before the pandemic (or shall we say AC/BC), but who knows it would be better in the long run?

Perhaps, we will slow down (just as we have), learn to listen and co-exist on a planet with other living beings. Perhaps, we will delve inwards, instead of outwards, drowning out the worldly clutter. Perhaps, over-consumption and consumerism will make way for conservation and minimalism. Perhaps, the ‘new’ always does not have to be ‘comfortable’, it could be refreshing and hopeful. A place where we make more conscious, and informed choices, and delve into the spiritual realm, which bursts open more answers than questions, more resilience than fragility, more faith than doubt, more courage than fears. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps… (insert lyrical tone from unrelated but famous song by Doris Day)
Great post! It seems like you have definitely made the most of a not so great situation! I think there is lots to learn from the pandemic and quarantine, including as you had mentioned slowing day, learning to appreciate what we have, and shifting to minimalism. There has certainly been a lot of change and things to adapt to, but that is not always a bad thing!
Congratulations on your marriage first of all! It’s great how you made the best of this time and good that you got to spend so much quality time with each other. Hope the best for all of us in times to come.
Thanks so much! 🙂
I applaud your hopeful outlook! I have thought many times, especially at the beginning, that this is a much-needed “reset” for the world–especially in terms of climate change and family-first. I have really enjoyed getting back to gardening, investing in my home, and spending time with my college son. Living in the US, however, has presented additional, perhaps insurmountable challenges to process: high mortality, systemic racism, facism (as I see it), denial of risk, and deadly violence. It’s been very difficult for this eternal optimist to find hope amidst this scenario…as I watch from my position of privilege, I cling to a dream that it will all end well. Let us hope. Let us hope.
I agree with you Jackie, I too can write this post because I come from a position of privilege, many people are having a tough time and of course, one has to maintain the precautions against catching this virus. Am glad you found the time to reset, and your blog on gardening was so detailed, looks good on you! 🙂
I think this has certainly been an unprecedented year in my lifetime, and not only for the pandemic. Alongside that, the political situation in the UK, alongside the looming spectre of a disastrous Brexit, have made it really hard to maintain a positive outlook at some points along the way. But personally, we have weathered the pandemic very well thus far. We were lucky to have taken a major 3 week holiday to Vietnam in February, so the privations of not being able to travel were a little reduced for first few months to follow. I have also continued to work full time from home, which has actually been very positive experience. And we had moved last year from bustling London to a rural village in Wales, which has blessed us with a huge private garden space in which to isolate.
Glad to hear that you did Vietnam in time! I like working from home too, minus the odd hours of calls/meetings. A private garden in Wales is so cool, am sure you are loving it! 🙂
We, humans, are really adaptive, though we resist change at first, slowly we adapt to the situation. That is what has been happening in the current circumstances to all of us too. Many of us have discovered new talents and have harnessed them into new ventures. So there is a positive side to the lockdown too.
Thank you Aradhana for putting your thoughts together so beautifully. Am certain that most others like us have pretty much moved through these stages, have gradually adapted to this new way of life and started to enjoy it. . I can relate to all of it. My compliments for your simple and crisp writing skills. Thanks for sharing
Thanks Papa for your lovely words, always inspire me to keep at it! 🙂
It has been an absolute roller coaster for not just for you and me but the entire globe i suspect. Something none of us could have envisaged ever in our dreams. We all have started to accept this now and started to adapt to the new normal what we all are calling now. Some great words and points in this post which I can relate to myself and how I managed thorough these tough times. Thanks for sharing
Glad that you found it useful. Cheers!
Very well put… loved the concluding paragraph ?
Thank you 🙂 keep reading & writing..