So today I’m in a rather yappy mood and I use this space hence to rabble on (Yay, it’s free!!!)…
So let’s make this fun!
How many of us would rather not do something for the fear of hearing a ‘no’ or probably over-think a situation too much before we actually gather the courage to take the plunge?!

Sadly, I don’t have a polling construct here, else I would have de-plugged the algorithms, analysed the bar-graphs and magically presented a figure that would stun the daylights out of you (for all those who don’t know, I hereby express my extreme dislike for anything that has to do with de-mystifying the intricacies involved in data and analytics, and for all those who do, well, you know me well..i love you!) For all those who would answer the question with a ‘heck yes!’, well, I am with you.

But before we move on, and let this fear take wings any further that it already has, it’s time to take a step back and think of the times where we wanted something real bad and the obvious answer was a big fat NO! These situations would invariably be the ones where the fear of hearing a ‘no’ superceedes the existing situation of crisis itself. That’s where question 1 fits in!

Just like a jigsaw puzzle, these three pieces – fear, crisis, and a ‘no’ fit in perfectly together, or so it seems! But that’s far from the truth. It’s remarkable how ‘fear’ as an entity can potentially ruin the course of our lives, to the extent that we consume ourselves in the fear so much so that it appears to be bigger than the situation itself. “The only way to overcome fear is to be fearless.” And therein lies the magic potion to life’s seemless troubles. We may not pay so much attention to it, but to think of it, the excuses that we give ourselves for not pursuing something, or for having lost that friend, or for abandoning that passion because it was never what we were meant to do, are all culminations of the simple four-letter weapon of mass destruction that resides deep within us-FEAR.

The what-ifs scenarios are scarier! What if I lose my job, what if my boyfriend leaves me, what if I don’t get married, what if life throws lemons at me, what if I die? What if you take the entire pill of what ifs, dunk it down your throat, choke a lot on it, and you’re dead already!! The day we drop the ‘what-if’ is the day we start living…So the next time you comtemplate doing something because a certain ‘what-if’ knocks the door, ask yourself this question – What if I eliminate the ‘what-if’?
Take the plunge, count the days you have before you actually start living and mark the date. For that’s your birth-date, you are born!